stanislausbenecke1. März 20191 Min. LesezeitMARCH 2019Production after a long search and discussions as well as feasibility analyzes in Austria, Germany, Slovenia and Croatia (unfortunately...
stanislausbenecke4. Feb. 20191 Min. LesezeitFEBRUARY 2019Stefan continues to develop the WANDERBOX - it is given rounded corners instead of the angular ones previously used. Advantages of the...
stanislausbenecke1. Jan. 20191 Min. LesezeitJANUARY 2019Stefan and Stanislaus meet at the beginning of the year in Stefan's home, in Styria, to discuss and agree on all the details of the...
stanislausbenecke3. Dez. 20181 Min. LesezeitDEZEMBER 2018Stefan and Stanislaus agree on a collaboration to try out the production and marketing of the WANDERBOX in 2019. The start should be in...
stanislausbenecke1. Juli 20181 Min. LesezeitJULY 2018Stanislaus visits Stefan in Bregenz to consider together how the WANDERBOX can be mass-produced and marketed. Besuch von Stanislaus bei...
stanislausbenecke1. Apr. 20181 Min. LesezeitAPRIL 2018Stanislaus (Benecke) is looking for a furniture construction that contains everything that people need for living. The background is a...